Fabio Calvetti


Painting works

Among the main themes in Fabio Calvetti’s work we list: absence, waiting, the deep silence of souls, empty spaces brimming with questions. In a timeless, almost theatrical context, untouched by natural lighting, lonely women seem to be listening to themselves, as if waiting for something to happen, for an answer to magically appear. Calvetti’s pieces convey an irresistible sense of suspense, an atmosphere that contrasts with the frenetic intensity of daily life. This opposition is magnificently portrayed in his latest painting, where the painter chooses an external setting made up of metropolitan scenery and glimpses industrial outskirts of cities in the deep of the night.


Fabio Calvetti was born in 1956 in Certaldo - a small town in the Province of Florence - where he continues to live today. He studied at an art high school and, once graduated, he enrolled in the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze and became a student of the Scuola di Pittura (painting school). He boasts an active career in Italy and abroad, participating in art shows in the U.S.A., Germany, Spain, Belgium, and in Japan. In 1995 he took part in a painting workshop at the Le Port Ecole des Beaux Arts on the island of Réunion. Calvetti has taken part in countless artistic events and international exhibitions. He is widely regarded as the foremost exponent of Italian Neo-figurationism (Nuova Figurazione).


Catalogo generale

Il catalogo generale del Maestro Fabio Calvetti.

Lingue: italiano, inglese
A cura di Maurizio Vanni e Roberto Bastianoni.
Numero pagine: 110 Formato: cm 23 x 28 Price: 30.00 + € 10,00 shipping.