Angelo Accardi


Painting works

Angelo Accardi's is an art that describes, explores and feeds on the styles and stresses of modern living. Urban landscapes or interiors of houses and museums, which the artist 'captures' as only a hidden camera can and which, filtered through original pictorial interpretations, become the expression of an interesting and complex personality. In his canvases, the symbol becomes the interpretative key to a hidden reality. Thanks to his communicative, emotional ability, Angelo Accardi has become famous all over the world, and today he can be considered one of the most fascinating artistic proposals on the European scene. 

Sculpture works

Dal 2015, la collezione Misplaced si completa di una nuova idea di questo artista-genio: la presenza assume forma e volume, e diventa scultura. Una scultura che diventa gradualmente installazione mantenendo l’intelligenza creativa del “Fuori Luogo”. Lo struzzo, il rinoceronte, e tutto ciò che l’artista vuole metterci di fronte, ci colpisce mettendoci in silenzio. Un silenzio che osserva, che critica, che coinvolge. Accardi crea figure e composizioni utilizzando metallo laccato lucido, metallo verniciato cromo e pvc. Studia ed inventa situazioni complesse, dalla non facile lettura, che inevitabilmente scaraventano lo spettatore nel mondo Misplaced. Curiosità, ironia, eleganza, ed inquietudini quotidiane sono tutti elementi delle atmosfere volutamente comunicati dall’artista. La scultura di Accardi diventa obbligatoriamente una continuazione parallela alla strada creata dai lavori su tela, che porta l’artista su di un livello ancora più alto.


Angelo Accardi was born in 1964 in Sapri, in the province of Salerno. After a brief experience at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, he opened a personal studio in Sapri in the early 1990s and began researching figuration with a social background. His artistic journey is aimed at the perennial search for hidden human sensations to be discovered. Magical urban and interior compositions, elaborations of a sophisticated system of painting and vision, which strike and stun the spectator. He has taken part in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Italy and around the world. He exhibits in the most prestigious Italian and European galleries, and in 2011 his works from the Misplaced collection were shown at the Italian Pavilion of the 54th edition of the Venice Biennale. Since 2012, he has taken part in the most important Contemporary Art Fairs around the world, and his price is considered by the specialised press to be one of the most interesting in relation to his medium-term potential.




L'importante e attesa nuova monografia del maestro Angelo Accardi, finita di stampare a marzo 2016.
Lingue: italiano, inglese
Copertina rigida - Numero pagine: 106 Formato: cm 28,5 x 28,5 Price: 40.00 + € 10,00 shipping.