Sculpture works
Rabarama creates sculptures and paintings with men, women or hybrid creatures, often passing for the eccentric. The skin of the subjects created by the artist is always decorated with symbols, letters, hieroglyphics and other figures in a variety of forms. The 'membrane', the 'cloak' that seems to envelop these figures constantly changes, always enriching itself with new signs, symbols and metaphors. The alphabet indicates the inner limit present in language and our being singular-plural entities (according to the philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy's conception): hieroglyphs, puzzles and honeycombs are the visualisation of the genome, the infinite possible combinations and varieties inherent in humanity, visualised in the mental labyrinths in which the multiform complexity of the ego is materialised.

Rabarama, aka Paola Epifani was born in Rome in 1969. A child of art, after her studies she moved to Padua, where she still lives and works today. From a young age, she showed a natural talent for sculpture. She began her artistic training at the Liceo artistico in Treviso and then completed her studies at the Accademia di belle Arti in Venice, graduating in 1991 with high marks. Immediately after finishing his studies, he began participating in a large number of national and international sculpture competitions, winning both critical acclaim and public praise. Rabarama creates sculptures and paintings depicting men, women or hybrid creatures, often passing for the eccentric. The skin of the subjects created by the artist is always decorated with symbols, hieroglyphic letters and other figures in a variety of forms.