Guido Armeni
Painting works
Just as tree roots sink into the ground to seek nourishment, so does Armeni with our unconscious. Looking at one of his works, memories, emotions and hopes overpoweringly resurface, creating a suspended atmosphere in which the three-dimensional tree (a symbol of life) becomes a totem through which to look inside ourselves.
He was born in Cremeno di Lecco on February 4, 1944. Since adolescence he has devoted himself to painting and sculpture, drawing inspiration from nature by interpreting it in dreamlike atmospheres in which the tree, the symbol of life, appears from the very beginning. Awarded by Arte Mondadori with a note by the famous critic Enzo Fabiani, he has so far held more than 50 solo and as many group exhibitions. His works can be found in the most important Western cities, in both public and private collections.