Gianfranco Asveri
Painting works
Representing a strongly instinctual and emotional painting style, Gianfranco Asveri attacks the surface with an overbearing and primitive gesture that nevertheless allows other less perceptible expressive matrices to coexist. With a deep and vital afflatus, Asveri's painting springs from the observation of reality: the animals that the artist collects and cares for, with which he lives and which he loves above all else, are the same animals to which he dedicates drawings, paintings and poems. Welcome to the magical world of Asveri.

Born in Fiorenzuola d'Arda in 1948, Asveri lives and works at Gasperini in the Piacenza hills. He did not attend academies or follow artistic studies of any other kind. In 1969 he began painting, finding in art a reason for living. After an initial period in which he expressed himself in a traditional figurative language, from the 1980s onwards his painting moved towards a more instinctive and personal gesture, rich in colour and matter, close to the expressionism of Art Brut. The newspaper Il Sole 24Ore recently listed him as one of the top ten artists on the Italian art market. Critics such as Luca Beatrice, Paolo Blendinger, Beatrice Buscaroli, Luciano Caprile, Martina Corgnati, Maurizio Corgnati, Elda Fezzi, Stefano Fugazza, Flaminio Gualdoni, Elisabetta Longari, Lorenzo Kamel, Domenico Montalto, Nicoletta Pallini, Elena Pontiggia, Giovanni Quaglino, Alessandro Riva, Marco Rosci, Maurizio Sciaccaluga, Giorgio Seveso, Claudio Vela and the poet Ferdinando Cogni have written about him.

Catalogo generale
Languages: Italian, English
Curated by Gianfranco Asveri and Paolo Bertuzzi.
Number of pages: 155 Size: cm 29 x 31 Price: 40.00 + € 10,00 shipping.