Luisella Traversi Guerra


Painting works

Luisella Traversi Guerra combines different structures, techniques, and materials in her search for a new form of emotion. Her paintbrush prances around on the canvas, picking up density, refinement, and determination. Her artworks are songs of shapes and colours that arise out of a mere need to exist; they are intrinsically linked to the magic of perception. Luisella Traversi Guerra’s creations are not just paintings – they are elegant moods.


Luisella Traversi Guerra, born on 21st July 1944 in Piacenza, is a painter and a writer. After spending her childhood in Paris, she returned to Italy to study at university. For years she worked for the family business, contributing to its growth – here she specialised in behaviour analysis and techniques for improvement of the quality of the work place. She would often paint in her free time; she soon noticed, however, that her growth as an individual and the evolution of her artistic productions correlated strongly: painting inevitably became her way of expressing her journey of inner exploration. Her works, painted using the Flemish multilayer technique, often include symbolic representations. She first began exhibiting abroad – her works were on display in the United States, Japan, Holland, and Switzerland for many years before appearing at expositions in Italy.


Luisella Traversi Guerra - SKIRA

"Traversi Guerra" di Luisella Traversi Guerra.

Lingue: italiano

Price: 30.00 + € 10,00 shipping.